Downloads Library
Scroll down to view materials currently available. Click on images to download.
A PDF brochure for the cellular PVC version of Star Prairie Nest Boxes.
A PDF brochure for the cellular PVC version of Star Prairie Nest Boxes.
A PDF version of the installation instructions shipped with every Star Prairie Nest Box.
A PDF version of the installation instructions shipped with every Star Prairie Nest Box.
PDF instructions for nest box cam installation.
PDF instructions for nest box cam installation.
A PDF sheet showing temperature testing between identically constructed cellular PVC and wooden Star Prairie Nest Boxes.
A PDF sheet showing temperature testing between identically constructed cellular PVC and wooden Star Prairie Nest Boxes.
A large PDF presentation (14 MB) illustrating 90 days of activity in four nest boxes.
A large PDF presentation (14 MB) illustrating 90 days of activity in four nest boxes.